
Shibuya becomes operational host for SaaS cloud service myB4.ai

myB4.ai is a non-invasive algorithm-based cloud service from B4 Investigate AB. We at Shibuya are excited to begin a long-term partnership where we become the operational host and global customer support for the storage service.

IT-SECURITY is of utmost importance for a cloud service like myB4.ai. The algorithm-based non-invasive cloud service ingests lean financial data and enables users across organizations to identify and massively reduce current and future financial damage and fraud. myB4 is built based on numerous successful user trials and many years of domain knowledge.


We at Shibuya will be operational and global customer support for the service around the clock. We will provide user support and performance monitoring of myB4.ai, onboarding assistance and, where required, support and advice to myB4 users when extracting data from numerous of ERP systems.

“We are very proud that myB4 is in the safe hands of Shibuya, and their Swedish owners, the Pulsen Group, contributing with their robust IT infrastructure, global experience, unique expertise, and competent and passionate support staff".

Claes Stocklassa
Chairman of B4

IT-SECURITY is of utmost importance for a cloud service like myB4.ai. The algorithm-based non-invasive cloud service ingests lean financial data and enables users across organizations to identify and massively reduce current and future financial damage and fraud. myB4 is built based on numerous successful user trials and many years of domain knowledge.